Friday, August 15, 2008

Assignment: Victor Wiener: Legal and Ethical issues

Due Date: August 25, 2008
Instructor: Victor Wiener
Mailing address (he will not accept assignment by email...either mail or hand deliver)

Victor Wiener
201 West 89th St.
New York, NY 10024

when submitting the exam, include the course number, the semester and your student id
do not put in bulky folders or in individual sheets of plastic.

Exam Question:

The field of appraising works of art is filled with many problem areas which have very specific legal remifications. Your assignment is:

1. To identify the three areass which you find most problematic and to explain why you feel this is hte case?

2. From your readings in Art Law, or other sources, to discuss which cases you feel add to one's understanding of the three problem areas you have identified and how these cases are specifically relevant to the areas you have identified. You should discuss at least four cases for each area.


Laura said...

Hi all,
the course number is X03.9675?
and anyone can suggest me 1 case law about "authenticity"?
thank you


Laura said...

I've forgotten, I want to share a good source for case law! you have not to pay for try. Subscribe and it will be free for the next 24 hours.
go on


CPNAS said...

According to my NYU computerized mailing that I recieved confirming the course, the course number is:
I took the class as a noncredit continuing education...if it was offered as a credited course (I don't know that it was) the course number would be different.

CPNAS said...

Did you find your case study for Authenticity? do you have access to the Art Law. If not, I have it and can look up and recommend a few from there.

Laura said...

Hi Jd,
thank you for your help...I didn't find but I have sent to Victor my work with 3 cases for authenticity and 5 for another area... so more elastic! because right now I really don't have more energies to spend in it. Hope it will be ok. But thank you!
instead I'm starting to write my appraisal... this is better! and you how are going?

CPNAS said...

did everyone get their assignment in? any problems?

Cachelle said...

Hi Everyone,
I hope your Thanksgiving was relaxing.
Does anyone have Victor's email address? I mailed my paper to him back in August, with a SASE and have not heard a thing! Has anyone received their paper back from him?
Hope all is well.

Cachelle said...

Happy New Year!
Has anyone received the NYU Certificate, yet?
Hope you are staying warm.

Dina Comisarenco said...

Hi! my name is Dina, and I was a student of Victor Wiener at NYU, several years ago. I am now trying to contact him in order to invite him to collaborate in a publication that I am starting to plan. Can anybody give me his email address? Mine is,
thank you very much,